The Citizens’ Police Academy provides an opportunity for citizens to learn firsthand about police operations. Through a series of lectures, field trips, and simulated activities, citizens are provided training similar to that of an actual police officer. The Academy is of benefit to the community and the department because it builds relationships and creates a cadre of citizens who are better informed about the reality of police work. Cadets may receive direction during this program from police officers, our community partners, our civilian team members, or City administration.
The academy runs for nine weeks with classes held on Tuesday nights. Instruction is provided by Police Department personnel or affiliates.
Unless otherwise specified, classes are conducted at the Police Department’s training facility. Some off-site visits are made to other relevant locations.
Sample Curriculum:
Overview of Department Operations and Organization
Active Shooter presentation
Patrol Functions / Traffic Control
Criminal Investigations / Crime Scene Investigation
Stop the Bleed
Gang presentation
Narcotics / Canine Operations
Victim Witness Assistance / Criminal Domestic Violence / Child and Elder Abuse
The course may require cadets to participate in at least (3) three ride-a-longs lasting approximately (2) two hours each at the conclusion of the program. While participating in a ride-a-long, the cadet will accompany a full-time Patrol Officer and serve as an observer. This requirement may be waived under certain circumstances.
Qualification for Participation:
Must be a minimum of 18 years of age. Applicant must have affiliation with the City of Cayce as a resident, business/property owner, or employee of a local business. This requirement may be waived under certain circumstances. Must pass a criminal history background check.
Contact Information:
The Citizens Police Academy is coordinated by Sergeant West & Officer Green of Cayce Police Department’s Community Outreach Policing Services Unit. Please send inquiries or questions by email to Sergeant West at, Officer Green at, or call (803)796-9020 ext. 7779.