Non emergency dispatch:

For emergencies, call 9-1-1

Freedom of Information Request

Freedom of Information (FOIA) Request For Public information

Relationships with the media are imperative to community safety and professional policing. We must continue to build on the relationships and trust between Cayce and traditional and non-traditional “Media Outlets.”  Every successful community policing agency in the country state that no community policing program is any good, if the entire community, doesn’t know about it.  To this end, we feel it imperative that we create clear protocols and transparency for public information and public relation.  Promoting the positive services and actions of the police department and the City of Cayce.  Creating awareness and education through proactive publication of events, programs and services is paramount to building unity in our City, especially in the face of conflict.

The Cayce Police Department recognizes the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act (SC Code 30-4-10). As such all police reports are a matter of public record and anyone may receive a copy of a police report upon request. There may be some exceptions and some information may be subject to redaction to protect the innocent victims or the integrity of an investigation. In addition, there may be a fee attached in order to obtain the report. At Cayce, if you are a listed victim in a police report you will not be charged a fee to obtain that report.

What is the FOIA?

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is the law that allows individuals to gain access to public records. Learn more at the South Carolina Code of Laws Unannotated.

How do I make a FOIA request?

A completed form must be done either online or in person. If you wish to obtain a copy of a police report taken by the Cayce Police Department, there are several options.

1)You may come by Cayce Police Department located at:

2 Lavern Jumper Rd. Cayce, SC 29033

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 8:00-5:00 PM

Wednesday 10:00-5:00 PM

Friday 12:30-5:00 PM

2) A request can be submitted online at ay time. Email us at [email protected]; you can complete the form requesting the report and we will process your request then contact you when we have completed it.